stefano zerauschek: A Cerkniško Jezero/Lake Cerknica Corner (545m a.s.l.) after the Heavy Snowfall in a Decidedly Gloomy Atmosphere, Enlivened by a Part of Reeds, Native to this Environment and Now in Danger Due to Prolonged Empty Phases; Cerknica, Notranjska, Slovenija
Dylan Toh: Marriotts Falls
Stefanos Chronis: 132. Lagoon, Mesolongi West Greece
cesco.pb: Sunset and clouds
Ryan Dyar: A Portrait of a Mountain
cesco.pb: Vallone del Sassolungo
ojbfiddlestyx: Stevens Brook
Dylan Toh: Gossamer Falls
cesco.pb: Malghe in costruzione
lionel.fellay: The gate keeper
Antonio Puche: Luz y Diamantes
cesco.pb: Sass d'Adam e Catinaccio
Ryan Dyar: Rattlesnake Canyon
Andrea Lelio Photo: Spalti di Toro, Dolomiti Friulane, Italy
Patrick Giardina: The King's Throne
cesco.pb: Melting glacier
Chris St. Michael: Great Gray Owl- Prepare for the kill.
Marcandalli Mauro Angelo 6.000.000 Visite: Passeggiando sulle prealpi Orobie (Bergamo)
stefano zerauschek: Passo Pramollo/Nassfeld Pass from Casera/Farm Auernig (1609m a.s.l.) Towards "Canal del Ferro"/Ferro Canal and Julian Alps; Carnic Alps, Pontebba(UD), FVG, Italia
banzainetsurfer: Mount Olomana
xixoxix4427: 羊蹄山
cesco.pb: Certaldo
Del.Higgins: Snow White
EmozionInUnClick - l'Avventuriero photographer: Picchi e pareti dal sentiero Flo
EmozionInUnClick - l'Avventuriero photographer: Sentiero Flo, all'ombra dell'autunno