stefano zerauschek: 58cm Long and 2.4kg Heavy Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Caught in the reka Vipava, a Karst Spring Little River; Vipava Valley, Ajdovščina, South Western Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: Duino Castle and Trieste Coast from Timavo/Reka River Mouth; Villaggo del Pescatore, Trieste, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Geometric Chaos
stefano zerauschek: ...and Finally the Sunlight Came: the Dawn over Lake Cerknica (545m a.s.l.) and Mount Slivnica (1114m a.s.l.)
stefano zerauschek: The Lunar Exposure of the Lake Cerknica/Cerkniško Jezero Main Tributary; Internal Karst, Notranjska, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: A Moony Night in the Basin of the Cerknica Ghost Lake/Cerkniško Polje-Jezero; Internal Karst-Dinaric Region, Notranjska, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: The Mount Planina (1169m a.s.l.) Ridge (with drifting sleet and against the wind lens, evidently...), Taken from Devin Dorsal, on the Western Edges of the Mount Snežnik Virgin Forest; Karst-Dinaric Region, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: On the South-Eastern Edge of the Snežnik Forest at the End of the Last Springly Snow Episode; Goljak, Snežnika, Karst-Dinaric Region, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: Trieste from Its Own Karst Ridge at Late Sunset; FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Mud+Snow on the Access Road to Planinska Gora, in the Bora Downwind Snow Accumulation Point at just 800m a.s.l.; Internal Karst-Dinaric Region, Notranjska, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: White on Green, Snow on the Leafy Beech Trees of Planinska Gora Forest (850m a.s.l.); Internal Karst Region, Notranjska, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: The Cold Air at Altitude also Reaches the Karst Region with the first TStorms that Will Bring Snow Down to 700m a.s.l.; Vremščica, Coastal Karst Region/Primorska, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: Only Document: Snow Grains Heavy Thunderstorm on the Montasio Plateau (1530m a.s.l.), Sheltered in the Car, Only 15 Minutes after the Previous Photo; Western Julian Alps, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Snow Grains Thunderstorm Is Forming Along the Montasio Mountain Range; Julian Alps, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: This Dirt Road Winds South of the "Smrekova Draga" at Approximately 1250m a.s.l. and Only from Here Do You Have a Fairly Broad Point of View on It; Trnovski Gozd, Northern Coastal Karst Region/Severna Primorska, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: The End of a Short Snowy Phase near Trnovski Gozd "Smrekova Draga"/Spruce Trees Valley; Northern Coastal Karst-Dinaric Region, Ajdovščina, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: Mount Canin (2587m a.s.l.) at Dusk with the Abundant Snowcover Reflecting All Possible Light; Resia River valley, Julian Alps, Udine, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Jôf di Montasio (2754m a.s.l.) and Mount Cimone (2379m, right) from Dogna Narrow Valley; Western Julian Alps, Udine, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (in the Snow)
stefano zerauschek: A Night at the Pramollo Mountain Pass (1530m a.s.l.), with Street Lighting Reverberated by the Snowcover and the Light Snowfall in Progress; Carnic Alps, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: An Elusive "Snowcat" Wanders in the Forest Area Around the Pramollo Alpine Pass (Nassfeldpass on the Austrian Side), at 1530m a.s.l.; Carnic Alps, Udine, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Walking Among the Spruce Trees at Sunset Time in the Slightly Snowy Wilder Environment Around Passo Pramollo/Nassfeldpass, 1530m a.s.l.; Carnic Alps, Udine, FVG, near Italy/Austria State Border
stefano zerauschek: Heavy Snowfall in Sappada Center; Comelico/Carnic Alps, Udine, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Extremely Intense Snowfall in Sappada Alpine Town (1247m a.s.l.); Comelico/Carnic Alps, Udine, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: "Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia" Square in the Maritime Advection Fog; Trieste City, Friuli-Venezia Giulia Capital City, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Finally also Inside the Fog at the Historic Ponterosso Canal/Canal Grande; Trieste City, FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Octopus Fog over Trieste City During the Night; FVG Capital City, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Maritime Advection Fog Approaches Trieste City Dividing the Natural Lights of Dusk with the Newly Lit City Lights; Coastal Karst City Ridge (447m a.s.l.), FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Maritime Advection Fog Coming from the North Adriatic Sea Approaches Trieste City; Coastal Karst City Ridge (447m a.s.l.), FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: Gulf of Trieste Extensively Covered by Maritime Advection Fog Which Approaches the City at Sunset; from Coastal Karst City Ridge, Trieste, FVG, Italia