Andreas Voegele: road to weekend - Google Pixel 2
verenaredfoxgredler: puppy Salome and Lewis
milos lach: A New Day
Rùa Hay Xỉn: _DSC0852
PeterThoeny: The summer is over, but the fun is not
PeterThoeny: That was a hot bath! Now I gotta hold on tight!
pierrepphotography: Une opération délicate
PeterThoeny: Breaking rules on New Year's eve
david.evenson: Cactus Bloom
dlos': Hatteras Reflections
dlos': Guidance
dlos': Verde
dlos': Nap Time
dlos': Clingmans Milky Way
wmcassin: Ziva New Year
jazynek: IMGP5130
Noel Kerns: The Point Reyes
angsthase.: subterranean.
feeliumz: Winter
victorinoxs: IMG_20140101_134753_1
victorinoxs: IMG_20140102_142152
Alastair Montgomery: Day 292 Leeds walk about 365
Kyra Savolainen: Classic dining on Donlands Avenue, Toronto
miguelno: Plaza de las Flores. Cádiz
Noel Kerns: El Super Servicio de Santo Niño
The Garden Smallholder: German Shepherd
Margot in Love: World domination, what else!