jimmy hoffman: R U looking at me...
jimmy hoffman: Little devil
jimmy hoffman: Flytrap
yeucaimanma: Terrace in Vietnam
yeucaimanma: Da Lat
Annie’s golden hour: Poo💩? I quickly went to buy lottery tickets😂kingfisher, female. (View Large)
Annie’s golden hour: The sunset in front of my house.
Annie’s golden hour: Anna's Hummingbird & Beautiful Large Ceiba Speciosa Flower!
Annie’s golden hour: Sipping nectar.
Lukjonis: Aerial view of epic light rays over the fields
Lukjonis: Globular Springtail - Sminthuridae sp.
Lukjonis: Moth Caterpillar - Cerura vinula
Lukjonis: Jumping spider - Marpissa radiata (Portrait)
Lukjonis: Grasshopper - Tettigoniidae sp.
Lukjonis: Pseudoscorpion - Neobisium carcinoides (with eggs)
Lukjonis: Linopode - linopodes motatorius, a really small creature of mites you can find in the forest
Lukjonis: Female jumping spider Evarcha falcata close up portrait
Lukjonis: Scary portrait of Ground wolf spider - Trochosa terricola
UVO_eber: Small jumping spider
UVO_eber: Cellar spider (Pholcus phalangioides)
UVO_eber: Argulus foliaceus (Common Fish Louse)
UVO_eber: Mosquitoe, Culex sp., pupa
UVO_eber: Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
UVO_eber: Romantic Love
UVO_eber: Barklouse
UVO_eber: Bristly millipede
UVO_eber: Bristly millipede