Barbara * busy bee: Observatory Tower at Lincoln Castle!
Barbara * busy bee: So many people out enjoying the sunshine!
Barbara * busy bee: The children enjoyed this Punch & Judy show!
ryanmcgilchrist: older10
ryanmcgilchrist: Jackson
ryanmcgilchrist: Collingwood
ryanmcgilchrist: IMG_4053
Keith Horkins: Brown Pelicon
kiradu: Cologne, Germany
kiradu: Engelsbrücke, Pont de Fragnée, Liège, Belgium
kiradu: Schloss Weilburg, Weilburg, Germany
tony_rea_2000: Hybrid Mallard Trentham Gardens, S.O.T, UK
tony_rea_2000: Little tern, San Pedro Salinas, Spain
tony_rea_2000: Common Poachard chicks, Lo Monte Lagunas, Alicante, Spain
Ben-ah: Prayers Pole
Ben-ah: Afternoon Rest
Ben-ah: Initiation Well
Rock_Doc: Fireworks
Rock_Doc: Waterdrop in wine glass. 2 gels
Rock_Doc: Grasshopper in the garden
Rock_Doc: IR photo of the river Thames in London Ontario
ychad: Jeune Foulque macroule - Fulica atra
ychad: Belle journée ! (Nette Rousse femelle)