kuuan: LTM / M39 short tele size comparison
laagwater: Let's face it...
Eric Hartke: TX027028
MIWO_2910: The Virus
june1777: 2118/1756 [vz'
MIWO_2910: Untitled
kuuan: Canon LTM f1.9/85mm full set
dacookieman: Canon 50mm F1.5 LTM test
kuuan: Canon LTM f1.5/50mm
mkk707: Testing a Cosina Voigtländer Apo-Lanthar 90mm f/3.5 LTM lens
BB-63 Guy: Rainier Kiss
Takayuki Miki: untitled
ricksoloway: f_canon_ivsb_oblique
Geoff_H1: Canon IVSB
H. Klapwijk: glove.
Maurice Biggins: Still Life with Aftershave
Maurice Biggins: Still Life with Chalice and Bottles
Maurice Biggins: Dried Hosta Leaves
Lars_Holte: Torvet, Hørsholm
camerabiker: Lipca-Rollop
mikeinlagardette: All My Yesterdays
Samuel T Payne: Crossing the Lines
andy curtis: Sheep River canyon
Rosenthal Photography: Lightscape IV
therealblowers: Cul Beag
Tom Findahl: - At the docks Viii -
Extrud: Zeiss Ikon Nettar
transvox: An Aristocratic Extravagance