moon and peregrine falcon
frieda6688: 2012.5.26 寿带鸟(Asian Paradise-flycatcher)
frieda6688: 2012.6.21 蓝喉蜂虎(Blue-throated Bee-eater)
andrew c mace: BMW Blue Hour, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Williamsburg Bridges, NYC
Ralfraz Ruck: lights on Brooklyn Bridge Mallard group on ice 12-11
Maya Saraf: "Never put your camera away" © Sage Grouse 032112-8952-W.jpg
hvhe1: Family is everything
Anirban Sinha 80: Worried Mother
Jim Neiger: BOF040 Great Horned Owl
hvhe1: Face to face
Dennis Rademaker: Like a speck of light
Bertrando©: Araçari-banana (Saffron Toucanet)
Lucie et Philippe: Male Proboscis Monkey - Bako National Park / Borneo Island - Sarawak in Malaysia - South East Asia
Ed Schneider: Grey-hooded Parakeet
Yamil Saenz: Barred Forest-Falcon
Prasanna Parab: Small Sunbird
Rajiv Lather: Black-faced Laughingthrush (Garrulax affinis)
Glenn Bartley - Crimson-rumped Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus haematopygus)
J Gilbert: White Tern
tinyfishy: (Species# 447) A Yellow Grosbeak Made It To The News
Prasanna Parab: White-bellied Blue Flycatcher - Cyornis pallipes
Ciro Albano - NE Brazil Birding: Pin-tailed Manakin_Ilicura militaris
Sijanto: Oooo...Don't Eat My Face
Maya Saraf: Piping Plover in Twilight
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com o macho de Saíra-amarelo (Tangará cayana) - Series with the male of the Burnished-buff Tanager - 23-06-2011 - IMG_4891
Sindri Skúlason: Redpoll (Leucism) (Auðnutittlingur)-55
Jen St. Louis: Great horned owl 5
Pat Ulrich: Quail in a Golden Field