markhold2001: Lunch In Berkeley
markhold2001: Lands End
minor9th: Pointer sister
Abscond: P1200703
Abscond: P1200683
Abscond: P1200692
minor9th: James
2kooky: 20130830-20130830-DSC_2124
2kooky: 20130830-20130830-DSC_2163
2kooky: 20130830-20130830-DSC_2183
minor9th: More driving
For The Love of Horse!: 2013-08-28 13.32.02
For The Love of Horse!: 2013-08-27 08.36.51
For The Love of Horse!: 2013-08-28 18.24.22
For The Love of Horse!: 2013-08-28 18.53.22
For The Love of Horse!: 2013-08-25 14.39.19
For The Love of Horse!: 2013-08-29 17.59.53
2kooky: 20130830-20130830-DSC_2059
Paulpod: BBC Micro Model N
JaredEarle: Don't Panic - iPad wallpaper (square)
Kevin Marks: RIP Dennis Ritchie #dmr That final longjmp() without knowing if setjmp() was called.
Tom T: This is basically the best cat in the world
Meg Pickard: A run in central park
Tom Coates: Dolphins of Kaikoura
Tom Coates: Mr Magdalinski's eyes are all wonky...
ice-cold photography: My biggest kodak moment
Joi: Stefan Magdalinski
Ape Lad: Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #919