Paulpod: Alan & Ellie
Paulpod: Interesting new product... the fruit, supply your own sugar (or... honey?) make your own marmalade
Paulpod: Snowy wastelands. Hope it melts quickly so I can move my car from being parked down the hill...
Paulpod: Bye London for a bit ...back in a few weeks
Paulpod: Party time at Paddington hooray
Paulpod: 111 Online target audience
Paulpod: No, it really is. Bye bye
Paulpod: Photo
Paulpod: Chop chop
Paulpod: Photo
Paulpod: Very windy morning
Paulpod: So cool
Paulpod: Delightful bottle, delicious stout. January is the month of stouts and porters.
Paulpod: Home grown chilli 🌶 is super nice
Paulpod: Couldn’t resist
Paulpod: Morning #dailyhockney
Paulpod: Head down all week working and suddenly it’s Thursday afternoon. Lots done but a bit of a blur... more varied next week
Paulpod: Crazy texture wall
Paulpod: Morning
Paulpod: Bowie multitracks? Ok then. I the internet
Paulpod: Downloading some ingredients
Paulpod: Snoozy Ellie
Paulpod: A bit gloomy this afternoon
Paulpod: Blissed out
Paulpod: It never stops ... spring next
Paulpod: The lichen here grows enormous
Paulpod: Photo
Paulpod: Photo
Paulpod: Foggy
Paulpod: Morning