marineavoile: Au temps des bougies, les sujets savaient tenir en place le temps de la photo...
marineavoile: Sieste en couleurs
moni-h: Rustgebied - geen toegang
marineavoile: Pins maritimes
Talliebally M y B e s t S h o t O f 2013
edmano pictures: IMG_6835
moni-h: Regenwolken über dem Meer
dellandre80: _DSC5690
frNaz: Lana lana
frNaz: And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you
moritzaust: Powder
mazdamattc: NikonFE-Gold200-April-2014-Hawaii-roll1-27-edit
cyril_fabbro: _SC_1000
Marcos Paula: Antiga Fábrica da Cerveja (Associação Recreativa e Cultural de Músicos)
Marcos Paula: MBP_3693