simonpfotos: Araschnia Levana (Map butterly)
simonpfotos: Aglais Io (European Peacock butterfly)
simonpfotos: Macroglossum Stellatarum
simonpfotos: Macroglossum Stellatarum
simonpfotos: Macroglossum Stellatarum
simonpfotos: Macroglossum Stellatarum
simonpfotos: Macroglossum Stellatarum
simonpfotos: Macroglossum Stellatarum
simonpfotos: Butterfly (Peacock butterfly)
simonpfotos: Vanessa Atalanta (Red Admiral butterfly)
simonpfotos: Aglais Io (Peacock Butterfly) polishing its proboscis after drinking nectar
simonpfotos: Pararge Aegeria (Speckled Wood butterfly)
simonpfotos: Lycaena Phlaeas
simonpfotos: Polygonia c-album ( Comma butterfly)
simonpfotos: Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell butterfly)
simonpfotos: Pieris Brassicae ( Cabbage White butterfly)
simonpfotos: Pieris Napi ( green-veined white butterfly)
simonpfotos: Macroglossum Stellatarum
simonpfotos: The beauty and the beast ...
simonpfotos: (Pyronia tithonus) ; The Gatekeeper, also known as the Hedge Brown
simonpfotos: Sweet legs: butterfly with a drop of nectar on its leg , extracted from a lavender flower
simonpfotos: " Comma" butterfly ( Polygonia C-album )
simonpfotos: Vanessa Atalanta ( Red Admiral ) butterfly ....
simonpfotos: Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris)
simonpfotos: Gate Keeper (Pyronia tithonus)
simonpfotos: Resisting Gravity
simonpfotos: Butterfly Love ....and knockout....
simonpfotos: Gate keeper (Pyronia tithonus)
simonpfotos: Hummingbird Hawk Moth (Macroglossum Stellatarum)
simonpfotos: Cling on !