Ting Ting Chen: The Duke
1chord & a fib: composition in color
CoolbieRe: Plateau
Andrew Luyten: High above the Frederick Arm
Atomic Playboy: Beautiful decay stains. #rustingaway
philcoffman: The Guardian
ggpurk: 80's Waterskate Poster
Chad Galloway Photo: Classic Crystal Mill
ggpurk: Playground in Illugarstadir
nat urazmetova: ƒ-----
Not Actually Tim: Grand Teton
1chord & a fib: He's just a hollow man.
1chord & a fib: He loved a hollow woman.
Laser Bread: here we go again
Marco Braun: Op art
rachywhoo: Bokeh!
ponte.: podoli
grandylion: Hamilton
grandylion: Halloween Las Vegas
grandylion: In their own worlds