philcoffman: Overpass
philcoffman: Chalkboard wall installation step 1
philcoffman: Cleaned and setup my desk this morning.
philcoffman: Woohoo! My shirt from the talented Ptarmak crew arrived! Also, I think "Ptarmak" is an acronym for "We design better than you."
philcoffman: Good morning
philcoffman: Mothership
philcoffman: My 3yr old has good taste in spelling
philcoffman: Hooray! My article about side projects is in the latest issue of .NET magazine.
philcoffman: Stripes
philcoffman: Though I am not on Twitter, I am still very much alive
philcoffman: 3 Lights
philcoffman: Just Watch The Sky
philcoffman: Short write-up in .NET Magazine about the CSS on Method & Craft
philcoffman: Coffee and a Meeting
philcoffman: Good morning
philcoffman: Half & Half
philcoffman: Yep, those are Tamale Dogs
philcoffman: Hipster Jedi
philcoffman: Conference Room with a View
philcoffman: Boarding
philcoffman: @Zeldman taking a photo of @Halvorson presenting
philcoffman: @Malarkey talking about CSS3 animations
philcoffman: FifthThirdBank