andywilson1963: Great spotted woodpecker
neilhilton65: Mediterranean Flycatcher
Jud's Photography: Red-backed Shrike 4 of 4
-terry-: Spotted Flycatcher
legoman1691: Spotted Flycatcher
c.marney: I only have eyes for you Mum
neilhilton65: Bee Hummingbird
Guillaume Bacciotti: étourneaux
Richard Mouser: Sunset on Bogus Road
Forgotten2000: Crested tit
fotodave22: DSP05503 - Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
Robin Lowry: Lest we forget
kimbenson45: Bird on a stick
Stef54B: Canapino comune - Hippolais polyglotta
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 1 ... # Tarier pâtre " mâle " ( Saxicola rubicola - European Stonechat )
whitefeather4: NIGHTJAR AT DUSK
JG Photography86: Egyptian Goose, Attenborough Nature Reserve.
JG Photography86: Coot, Nottinghamshire.
Norbert Lefevre: Fauvette à tête noire " femelle " ( Sylvia atricapilla - Eurasian Blackcap )
Rob Booth Imagery: kingfisher
Rob Booth Imagery: peregrine with a kingfisher
Nusen: Grey Wagtail.
Iangill1948: Black-crowned Night Heron.
Mike Mckenzie8: Black necked grebe
Julian Munilla Rio: Tarabilla IMG_5910