aNdork9: Descansando y observando
WAVZ 13: Hanging out under warm and cozy bed covers on a Saturday night watching an episode of Kojak on a little Panasonic black and white TV. A colorful Volkswagen poster hangs from the room divider. Those are my 14 year old toes popping up. Milford CT. Dec 1973
nigdawphotography: Pelican Crossing
nigdawphotography: Fish and Chips
~Kaumanek~: Athens
Mango982: Alba Padana
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Céline Citron!
monsieur Burns: "Tu n'en a pas moins des chances de faire cinq ans. Et, après, tu seras envoyé aux bataillons d'Afrique."
Mango982: Pausa lavoro
monsieur Burns: "les gens ne pardonnent jamais la peur qu'ils ont ressentie."
nigdawphotography: Private Shop
John Bowno: Mr Hyde
the ripped bystander: gate to eternity
uffstampabs: Chiesa del Lino
uffstampabs: Chiesa del Lino
~Kaumanek~: Piraeus
nigdawphotography: Florence Walk
Mango982: Altalena
Close to the people: Abidjan nights
Close to the people: Voila, I get a fresh styling from Awa
Close to the people: Kids in Abobo
~Kaumanek~: Athens 2020-01-15-0009