windyjonas: Having a rest up by the mountain lake.
ali eminov: Catherine wearing Russian costume
geoffingeorgia: Tom Waits Orchestra B&W
Fylkesarkivet i Vestland: The lighthouse service vessel "Utvær"
windyjonas: Rob rocks!
Loevhagen: YES!
audelises: Circus
Anders Madsen: Five generations
johann Smari: coming to the volcanic eruption
sibtainn: a story to tell
Sofie72: Curious Cows
Klodiana Alia: it's been a long game of suspension.
Odyssevs: Kongsberg in mist
The Norwegian: Sunrise at Grand Canyon
.photomotive: King of the Swingers?
amysphere: The deck
Andrés Martín / Tincho: Moto-retrato (cuack!)
Laura Mary: Natura debut
zebra404: Tramtunnel
State Library of NSW: Huskies pulling sledge
coletracey: St Govans Chapel
scindapsus82: What a beauty, huh?
Rickydavid: Growth