Jubilation Cakes: Baby Shower Cake- Girl
D_C_D: Taking a break after munching on bison carcass.
Dog Is Love: Visiting Drum Horse, Priscilla ("Prissy")
winnu: IMG_0056-3
Ed Schneider: Ruby-throated - male
Dog Is Love: Tom Price Stallions - The Bees Knees, Now Known as "Tom Price's Ambassador"
girdleyd: We Are Too Big To Fit Through The Fence!
Mirror_Lake: In the forest
Teone!: Beccofrusone
Three Red Ponies: WAPA Championship Show Jan 09
JAAnton: ciguena
Mirror_Lake: How I wish he would turn this way
Ed Schneider: Brown Thrasher
Dawn Huczek: They do tricks for me!
Ed Schneider: Tufted Titmouse
Lou-B: 0116%20B
Ed Schneider: Blue Jay
Ed Schneider: Blue Jay
Ed Schneider: Great Blue Heron
Mlparr61: Cardinal 010409
Sindri Skúlason: Bohemian-Waxwing (Silkitoppa)-3-E
D_C_D: Doe Leap
Rozpravka: Innellan Kestrel
Rozpravka: Gaoithe
Rozpravka: Caragh Gaoithe
mrBobBaker: White-throated Sparrow_20070429_003