CarmencitaB: May 27th. Finally warm enough to get the pretty dresses out. Here is the Costo Liberty shirtdress refashion. #mmmay16
annefrancouture: 22 ème jour
BertyDing: Day twenty-two
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 20: my hometown is Hamburg, so my outfit had to be maritime today ❤️⚓️ #hollyburnskirt and ladyskater shirt #mmmay16 #memademay16
martha.myers: Day 20: Friday theme is my home town.
Hana - Velvet Ribbon: MMMay'16 Day 19
eirenep: Mmmay16 day 19 self made skirt and silk biker jacket
BertyDing: Day eighteen
Hana - Velvet Ribbon: MMMay'16 Day 18
annefrancouture: 18ème jour
schmidt happens...: MMM2016_16
martha.myers: Day 16. Overblouse and the white linen shell are from Cutting Line Designs Hearts A Flutter pattern. Denim pants from Vogue Sandra Betzina pattern.
{Hillary}: MMM16 - 16th
eirenep: Mmmay16 Day 12 # pussybowblouse repeat, slightly different styling
Hana - Velvet Ribbon: MMMay'16 Day 12
saashka: May 11
schmidt happens...: MMM2016_07
martha.myers: Day 9. Mixit shirt in white linen (modified), Urban pants in gray linen. Both patterns
Dolsi1: May 7
landoltju: Me Made May 2016 Day 9
Hana - Velvet Ribbon: MMMay'16 Day 7
{Hillary}: Me-Made-May 2016 - 6th - Theme Friday: YELLOW
{Hillary}: Me-Made-May 2016 - 5th
frauknopf13: Me Made May 2016: Day 5
Dolsi1: May 3
{Hillary}: Me-Made-May 2016 - 3rd
sou_coud: Day 4: pants