dennmanto: Mmm26 day 31: Wearing my #darlingranges again, the perfect dress for work. I should sew another one! I really enjoyed #memademay16 - a month full of Inspiration! Thank you for all your likes and comments! #mmmay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 30: Summer is coming! And it's good to be prepared. Wearing an #ashlanddress today #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 29: Morning walk with red poppies and another blouse Sophie #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 28: Sunshine is back! It's time for another #ladyskater #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 27: At the harbour wearing my #hawthorndress #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 26: 🎶 I've got one hand in my pocket... 🎶 Love the huge pockets of my #brumbyskirt by #megannielsenpatterns wearing it with a ladyskater shirt #memademay16 #mmmay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 25: morning walk in my new grey #kellyskirt by #megannielsenpatterns #mmmay16 #memademay16 #memademittwoch
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 24: anchor love ⚓️❤️ #hollyburnskirt and cardi Marion #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 23: A rainy Monday morning needs colour! Wearing another blouse Sophie #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 22: It's hot in Hamburg and I love it! Having lunch in the park, wearing a Brindisi dress by @schnittquelle #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 21: Stolling around barefoot in the garden where I grew up. Wearing another #ladyskaterdress and a #marioncardigan #mmmay16 #memade16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 20: my hometown is Hamburg, so my outfit had to be maritime today ❤️⚓️ #hollyburnskirt and ladyskater shirt #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 19: no mountains and no sea today, but northerngerman streets - back to work wearing a #wikstentova #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 18: It's travel time again. Saying goodbye to Italy, wearing my blouse Sophie #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 17: happy and hungry after hiking the whole day. Wearing a #plaintainshirt by #dearanddoe #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 15: Enjoying the morning sun wearing another #vichydress by schnittquelle. So happy, because the forecast said it should be raining the whole day. #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmm16 day 14: wearing a #renfrewshirt for hiking #mmmay16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmmay16 day 13: Good morning from Italy! Going out for breakfast in a bar before hiking. Wearing my vichydress by @schnittquelle #mmm16 #memademay16
dennmanto: Benvenuto in Italia! #mmmay16 day 12 in my travelling outfit: blouse Sophie by @schnittchen_com #mmm16 #memademay16 #blusesophie
dennmanto: #mmmay16 day 11: catching some morning sun, wearing my "gute-Laune-Rock", a skirt that always cheers me up. And I casted on a colour-coordinated shawl ☺️ #mmm16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmmay16 day 10 with my #darlingrangesdress by @megannielsenpatterns #mmm16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmmay16 is mint: wearing my #asterblouse enjoying the summer feeling #mmm16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmmay16 day 8: Canoeing in Hamburg, wearing a "Ceduna" dress by @schnittquelle #mmm16 #memademay2016
dennmanto: #mmmay16 day 7: strolling around in Berlin in another #ladyskaterdress ⚓️💙 #mmm16 #memademay16
dennmanto: #mmmay16 day 6 feels like summer! Shirt "Frau Emma" from a japanese fabric #memademay2016 #mmm16
dennmanto: #mmmay16 day 5 - on the way to Berlin in a #ladyskaterdress . the perfect dress for travelling #memademay2016 #mmm16
dennmanto: #mmmay16 day 4 - enjoying the morning sun. Wearing my blue #hollyburn and a knitted jacket "Talamh". Both pieces I really love! #memademay2016 #mmm16
dennmanto: #mmmay16 day 3 is blue and grey - Wearing my jeans skirt "Arielle" by Tilly and the buttons and a knitted shawl "Mountain of light Koh-i-Noor" #memademay2016
dennmanto: Coffee at the bar before I left home for a very short working week ☺️ Wearing my dotted shirt "Frau Emma" by #schnittreif and a #cameoshawl #memademay2016 #mmm16 #memadeeveryday