The Library of Congress: One of the Longaberger Co.'s famous "big baskets" in small Central Ohio cities (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Ohio's famous "Big Basket" building in Newark, long the seven-story corporate headquarters of the Longaberger Co., a maker of baskets, pottery, and other household items (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Thank you for sharing your photos of American experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic with the Library of Congress!
The Library of Congress: My Shadow" from A Child's Garden of Verses (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Dinosaur Village RV Mobile Home Park, dinosaur statue, Route 40, Jensen, Utah (LOC)
Matt in Malawi: Visitors Welcome
Matt in Malawi: Day's End on the Nyika [EXPLORE!]
Matt in Malawi: All that glimmers
National Library of Norway: [Fargeprøver] [autochrome]
Matt in Malawi: Catch of the Day
Matt in Malawi: Wild Lands
Matt in Malawi: Bright and Bernard
NASA on The Commons: HL-10 on Lakebed with B-52 flyby
Matt in Malawi: Chingwe's Hole
Matt in Malawi: Lost Forest
Matt in Malawi: Dew Catchers
Matt in Malawi: Upward Bound
Matt in Malawi: Watercolors
matthewmillett: We have decided to take one picture of each child EVERY DAY in 2015. You are welcome. #dontworryiwontposteverypic #millett2015
matthewmillett: Someone is playing with electricity @explOratorium #millett2015
matthewmillett: Kisses with Kate @jamiemillett #millett2015
rboysnj: Super geek squad.
The Library of Congress: Wishing a Happy Holiday to All ! (LOC)
Matt in Malawi: Night Shift
matthewmillett: Tonight we celebrated 15 years since "Baja Friday". The kids had fun looking at the first scrapbook Jamie made of our early dating months and I wore the same polo I wore the night I told her I "really, really, really" liked her. I love her.
Matt in Malawi: Stars Above, Fire Below
Matt in Malawi: Grey Sky Morning