matthewmillett: Sequoia National Park Recap Part 2 | We love camping with G and Papa. Until next year! #millett2015
matthewmillett: Sequoia National Park Recap Part 2 | We toured the Crystal Cave. Very cool. The best part was when the tour guide asked if anyone had an idea how the caves came to be. Jack raised his hand and unashamedly launched into how "Christians believe in the Bible
matthewmillett: Charlie was excited to get ready for kindergarten #millett2015
matthewmillett: Thankful for both our parents' kindness and generosity to let us get away. #millett2015
matthewmillett: San Fran was a blast. #millett2015
matthewmillett: We did it and it was AWESOME!! #SanDiegoPartyof13 #whoneedsaselfiestick
matthewmillett: Not only is it Mother's Day, but it was also my sweet's birthday this weekend. She is an amazing wife and mother and we definitely don't deserve her. Each day I grow to love and appreciate her more. She is creative, funny, selfless, thoughtful, adventurou
matthewmillett: Another fun-filled day #millett2015
matthewmillett: Autopia #millett2015
matthewmillett: Crazy Kate #millett2015
matthewmillett: Someone fell asleep fast. #millett2015
matthewmillett: Snuggle Boo #millett2015
matthewmillett: We loved our time with G and Papa #millett2015
matthewmillett: Kisses with Kate @jamiemillett #millett2015
matthewmillett: Jack and his cousin #millett2015
matthewmillett: Someone is playing with electricity @explOratorium #millett2015