Free Public Domain Illustrations by rawpixel: Damselfly, Carnation, Insect, Caterpillar, Ladybird, English Walnut, and Marine Mollusk from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by Georg Bocskay and Joris Hoefnagel. Original from The Getty. Digitally enhanced
Free Public Domain Illustrations by rawpixel: Acanthus (1879-1881) by William Morris. Original from The Birmingham Museum. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.
A.Davey: The Fisherman's Boat
LauraElaine: shiny acanthus leaves, bw
Wendy:: Acanthus
klsanderson: acanthus
NOAC_: Tokyo: Nocturnal Azabujuban Light Trails
NOAC_: Notre Dame de Paris au Coucher de Soleil
NOAC_: Tokyo Tower Tilt Shift
NOAC_: Playing with Tilt-Shift: Bern, Switzerland
NOAC_: Paris et l'Heure Bleue
NOAC_: London at Dusk - Explored
NOAC_: The Typhoon Strikes Back
NOAC_: An Evening at the Riverbanks of the Kamo-gawa - Explored
marianna armata: golden rays
AIMEN ASHUR: Golden Sands
dwnicholsonphoto: Perchance
George Eastman Museum: Man and women carrying suitcases
George Eastman Museum: Girl with collection of dolls
George Eastman Museum: Charles Zoller with bicycle
eonradius: Autochromes by Charles Zoller (5)
George Eastman Museum: Costumed man examining jewelry (pawnbroker?)
Hawkea: Longing for the sun