明遊快: Alley Life in Juso Osaka. (my home town)
Wil Freeborn: Forest light
yllan: 躺草地好爽啊!
aleshurik: ..orange garden..
*suika *: 冬猫
yllan: 毛豆小五郎
*suika *: Emerald
Samson So Photography: 黑喉綠闊嘴鳥 Whitehead's Broadbill (Calyptomena whiteheadi), Borneo Endemic
*suika *: RED&GREEN
*dans: 嗡嗡嗡,台北忠孝橋引道橋拆除作業
yllan: 發現詭異道具
gerard michel: Naples, vue de Sant Elmo
paul heaston: Sketching the garage
ponkan.: chokon
Samson So Photography: 白斑軍艦鳥 Lesser Frigatebird (Fregata ariel), Hong Kong
ssez: Gate-keepers.
cypherone - Taiwan: _DSC4554.jpg
Hideaki Hamada: summer days #3
Hideaki Hamada: through the finder #2
Hideaki Hamada: dance to the music
Kazuyuki Kawahara: little singer