luigi.alesi: Dolomiti - Alpe di Siusi e Denti di Terrarossa
desomnis: Mountain Drama
u c c r o w: Eagle's Nest
Guy Peeters: Still green.
onbes: 7D2_5173-HDR copy.jpg
Pfalzknipser: dampfender Sommerwald
calderdalefoto: Autumn Reflections
oozhan: Darlık Barajı, Istanbul
timballic: Dancing trees
Mikko Lagerstedt: Reflected
Mr Twister Chaser: "Supper Time"
Thierry Barré: Mesange B1 Rd1 IMG_1492
Pfalzknipser: Herbstnebel im Pfälzerwald
luigi.alesi: Sibillini - Monte Rotondo e Pizzo Tre Vescovi dalla F. d.Cervara
luigi.alesi: Valnontey - Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso
Ellen van den Doel: Sunrise at the Posbank (EXPLORE)
G2 Wild Images: Least Tern Chicks
iwona_podlasinska: show me the way (in the darkness)
Idvhz: Gull feeding 2
Rezamink: Brown Hawker (Aeshna grandis) Male
Phil-Gregory: Family portrait
wsy_hans: 冠羽畫眉(Taiwan Yuhina)
wsy_hans: 黑枕藍鶲(Black-naped Monarch)