Blythetastic!: From our messy dollhouse to yours, happy holidays. ♥️
55randomclicks: Here's "hopping" you can "bee" relaxed this weekend 😂
Rosiee Gelutie: 61/365 Feels like snow is coming…
Pei78: Blythe animal hat with fur chin strap - mustard yellow brown turkey
Rosiee Gelutie: 64/365 Happy Thanksgiving!🍁
Button Arcade: America's Nicks Top Model
Rosiee Gelutie: 38/365 🍂🍂🍂
FroggyMonkey: Another string block.
55randomclicks: Smiski Read
girl enchanted: Agatha Christie's vintage paperbacks
TheBon: In order. My languishing luminary quilt top, batting, backing from @hawthornesupplyco. I'm not going to get the quilt sandwich together today, but my hope is that it happens this week. #cozy2019MakeNine #2019MakeNine
Button Arcade: Owl Rights Reserved
Weeping Sabicu: Iluska and photobomber!
chelleshocks: It's the size of my fist! 😋
claribari: Photo time
LauraKateIsCrafty: Dolly group photo! (many, but not all in attendance)
claribari: It's Wednesday!
chelleshocks: Still don't know what colour I want to change her hair to. Or have a name for her. She's my little hot mess though. #blythedoll #kennerblythe
chelleshocks: Currently listening to my mug. 😊
TheBon: Ten squares for my #ESKHueShiftKAL. #eatsleepknit #teamhexihorse
Button Arcade: Gown We Now Our Gay Apparel
savinggrc: Mini for Rebecca
chelleshocks: BlytheCon Seattle
voo_doolady: The Flying Circus ~