r0ssie: Homestead Quilt top
glshelley: Chair Pincushion - Front
glshelley: Baby Life Quilt
glshelley: Weekender Travel Bag
edeltraudewert: Log Cabin Again
edeltraudewert: Woven Strings
edeltraudewert: Black & White & Colorful III
sam&max (marie h): My entry in the Celebrate St. Louis Challenge. It's a cover for my sewing machine. I won!
jcrafter: DSC01550
glshelley: Economy Block - Cardinal
Miss Stash Would: LouBee blocks
foxcox2: mini received from lynne
splendorfalls: hexie - front
Sarah.WV: Ansley's Diamonds Baby Quilt
happylifedesigns: PTS - In Progress
Soft Funny Fat: STLMQG Room Swap
happylifedesigns: Sew Crazy Mini Quilt
KyndraQuilts: Starburst Quilt
happylifedesigns: Mama and Baby Fox
Soft Funny Fat: Here Come the Geese
splendorfalls: weekender - side A
foxcox2: {+}quilt
Peoniagialla: shirt- stripe boxes
Miss Stash Would: Happy Birthday STLMQG!