Soft Funny Fat: Fabric-Love Feather ATC
Soft Funny Fat: Origami Pinwheel for Kyndra
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - August
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - July
Soft Funny Fat: STLMQG Room Swap
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - April
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - March
Soft Funny Fat: Here Come the Geese
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - January
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - December
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - November
Soft Funny Fat: Baby Zach
Soft Funny Fat: Baby Zach
Soft Funny Fat: Baby Zach
Soft Funny Fat: quilt for Baby D
Soft Funny Fat: quilt for Baby D (back)
Soft Funny Fat: Quilt Back
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - August
Soft Funny Fat: The Colorist
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - June Quilt Blocks
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - June
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - April
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - February
Soft Funny Fat: STLMQG Pouch Swap Inspiration
Soft Funny Fat: STLMQG Magnet Swap
Soft Funny Fat: Redbird Bee - January
Soft Funny Fat: Habitat Quilt - Close-Up
Soft Funny Fat: Show-Off Bag
Soft Funny Fat: Scrappy Swap - Received