PamsWildImages: Sexy Smoke
Love_Wilderness: Black Bear Cub (Ursus americanus)
agibbsphoto: Trees a Crowd
Alan Cressler: Lunar Eclipse, January 20, 2019, Atlanta, DeKalb County, Georgia 1 Great Horned Owl Fledglings
Mgungen: ICE_0551-HDR-Pano
Sheldrickfalls: New Buffalo Bull
jmsey59: Sea blue dragon
cerberilla: Triopha maculata - Spotted Triopha
budak: _Z2A7475 Dardanus megistos
The Owl Man: Wings Down Frame (Harlequin Duck)
cclborneo: Grosphus sp.
Turk Images: Tree Swallow - The Happy Couple
The Owl Man: Tanager Torpedo (Western Tanager)
bcbirdergirl: Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis) - BC
Lawrence Hutchinson: Shadows Before The Grand Sunset
Carlos. B: Greta oto
bcbirdergirl: Male Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius) - Vancouver, BC
Sapna Reddy Photography: Bare beauty (Explored)
R. Engelsman: Coprinopsis lagopus
Renee's Moment: Spiral Rock Arches
wild prairie man: 1909_1416 Nimpkish River
ng.c.seng: Pangolin
Udo S: Haystack Rock - Cannon Beach / Oregon
luba1616: oryx
zedamnabil: The Golden Dunes (Algerian Sahara)
albert.herbigneaux1: Orang outan / Pairi Daiza
JG Photography86: Great-Crested Grebes.
lachlanhall: Spotted-tailed Quoll (Dasyurus maculatus)