Lake Effect: Stairway
Dom Ciancibelli: No Direction Known
Viki Olner: Stream of running waters
miramann: Bright Moon Night
quoidautre: Fragments #utatawpfragments
Thiophene_Guy: Mission control... These look like giant logs! (Weekend Project - Fragments)
sianmatthews: Fragments
Viki Olner: Invisible poem
overthemoon: literary fashion
overthemoon: pinned
flickerl: Lillies of the lake
Lake Effect: 3 Floyd's
jody9: Ojai lane
overthemoon: Green Penguins
sianmatthews: No more twist
MPnormaleye: Gilded Vault
C.G.87: 3.We become our favourite book
LeftCoastKenny: Blasphemy & Pornography
Steffe: Flea market books
-masru-: BROMM!
jody9: fluorescent fields of the Palouse
jody9: sunset at the astoria column
flickerl: Botanising
overthemoon: pink umbrella
sianmatthews: Dashes on a bin
Thiophene_Guy: Holding up the wall
C.G.87: All that glitters...