Rod Waddington: Eating Tihlo, Tigray, Ethiopia
clarkcg photography: Smoke Trilogy
RedMudPup: Sagrada Familia 7
perorestaurant: Video of Chef Susur Lee introducing Pero Restaurant
taromatsumura: エチオピア料理。牛の生肉Mitmitaという辛いスパイスで混ぜたものと、高菜のような味の葉っぱ。これを酸味のあるロール状の蒸しパンでつまみながら頂く。手づかみです。
tesfayemengistu47: ethiopian-food-kitfo-mitmita-gomen-aiybe-kocho
tesfayemengistu47: ethiopian-food-kitfo-mitmita-gomen-aiybe-kocho
warsaiAtnu: What you know about that? I know just as much as you, I didn't try it; other than the mitmita (spices).
Masheema Bryant: Mitmita_grande
avlxyz: Lunch at Gibe African Restaurant, Dandenong
LexnGer: Mitmita
waferboard: three candles
maria köhn (1): 6.9.12: happy birthday to me
Keith - Glasgow: Sankaber Sunset
Keith - Glasgow: Lake Bekele, Metehara
Keith - Glasgow: Simien Mountain morning
Keith - Glasgow: Awash Sunset, Ethiopia
Keith - Glasgow: Ethiopian Orthodox Priest, Gondar
Keith - Glasgow: Prayer Drums, Bet Giyorgis
Keith - Glasgow: Bet Giyorgis, Lalibela
Sergio D. *: Untitled Nelson Mandela Tribute
johnshlau: “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up” ~ Nelson Mandela
GlobeTrotter 2000: Tribute To Nelson Mandela
Toronto Vegetarian Association: The winning entry for Presentation: Neighbourhoods in Vegan Cupcakes Take Over Toronto
Rodney Hoinkes: Jane's Walk - Garrison Creek - 2013
Rodney Hoinkes: Jane's Walk - Garrison Creek - 2013
ravenswift: Waiting Waiting Waiting
sevenman: Day 178 alternative: Bickford Park
Rodney Hoinkes: Jane's Walk - Garrison Creek - 2013