drbut: Grayling (Hipparchia semele)
Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_n8_078286
Pog's pix: Pink fizz
Scorpion-66: Lightning
dbifulco: A Monarch enters the world - almost ready
odile lm: Handmade necklace.
kelly ishmael: 229 | 366
rschnaible: Fire Dance
georgina e.s: Song Sparrow / Melospiza melodia
Creative Nature & Wildlife: Large Tiger Hoverfly (helophilus trivittatus)
Hugo von Schreck: Klebriger Hörnling (Calocera viscosa)
paulapics2: Summer Flight
Perno @ndre: Ectophasia crassipennis
petermit2: 2016_07_0535
petermit2: 2016_07_0512
Juergen Huettel Photography: Wasp loves liver sausage
Perno @ndre: Libellula fulva
Hugo von Schreck: Violettflügelige Holzbiene, (Xylocopa violacea)
Perno @ndre: Libellula fulva
dbifulco: So that's where the katydids went...
C-Smooth: Aster x
Jock Farrell: Yellow Wagtail.
brandonzcreations: Whats the Hell is so Funny?
luckiemphi: Mountain Bluebird
johnhallmen: Caddisfly Eggs
auntneecey: up and down - 108/366
phil winter: Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)