Mark S Searle: Lesser Fiery Copper (F)
Patrick Laferl: Chondrosoma fiduciaria (Male)
Mark S Searle: Zephyr Blue (M)
shzopren254: Lampides #butterfly #wildlife #nature #green #macro #makro #butterflies
Mark S Searle: Small Copper
Naturlinse: Weißklee/Hufeisenklee-Gelbling
Charaxes14: Lycaena helle
Mike Blacknell : Macro Photography: Chalkhill Blue Butterfly (female)
Seeadler1967: Baumweißling
onnowildschut: Berger's clouded yellow; Colias alfacariensis
carolinbarth: mantis copulation
shzopren254: #macro #macrophoto #nature #canon #canoneosr8 #sigma105 #butterfly #butterflies #canonturkey #macroturkey
Mark S Searle: Silver-studded Blues
carolinbarth: l o v e
wil.leurs333: Small Copper
wil.leurs333: Queen of Spain Fritillary, Issoria lathonia
wil.leurs333: Nettle-tree Butterfly, Libythea celtis
wil.leurs333: Pale Clouded Yellow, Colias hyale
wil.leurs333: Damon Blue, Polyommatus damon
wil.leurs333: Berger's Clouded Yellow, Colias alfacariensis
_Nurnpaarbilder_: Polyommatus coridon
Mark S Searle: Zephyr Blues
onnowildschut: Chalk-Hill Blue; Polyommatus coridon
onnowildschut: Silver-studded Blue; Plebejus argus
onnowildschut: Queen of Spain Fritillary; Issoria lathonia
onnowildschut: Marsh fritillary; Euphydryas aurinia
onnowildschut: Provence orange tip; Anthocharis euphenoides
onnowildschut: Provence orange tip; Anthocharis euphenoides