Sean Sebastian: Highway to Heaven by David Alan Kidd: likely too soft, but I like it anyhow...
JGo9: ISO 6400 HDR
TerenceKok: DSC_0077 (1280x848)
Peeping Dragon Photography: This is Why I Live Here.
Linda-Mari: droplets
kevp65: Barn
JGo9: The Hands That Build America
grahamm2143: Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Triquetra Photography: 20120630-IMG_7737.jpg
Jason Haley: Too Late
Iain Leach: Adonis Blue Lysandra bellargus
Shin-Nagoya: ニシキキンカメムシ
JenSue256: Smells so good !!! -- Lavender
WabbyTwaxx: Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth
~Momma B~: Mountain Sunrise
kenneth alan lewis: Sunset over Los Angeles
Sean Sebastian: Sunsets make me hoppy
Dave Allen Photography: Spring Blooms on Appalachian Trail - Roan Mountain Highlands
langkawi: Poppy Central
paul downing: Baby love.
paul downing: A new dawn.
paul downing: Backlight.
McConnell Springs: Eastern Pondhawk, Female #566