V.LIARD Photography: @ S u p e r M o o n O v e r P a r i s, Eiffel Tower
geo7399: What Working At Disney Does to the Mind!
NV6V: Santa Mob
geo7399: 100_2549
Barack Obama: 20081104_Chicago_IL_ElectionNight1247
Jessica MF: Bob is such a taker.
Alex Heberling: All Done!
tjriley82: Outspan Mini
googlit: RDew-DDew
bonniegrrl: Me and MrT-D2
Avatrix: Delorean Cake - front
spacegrrl: Peel Trident (1966)
spacegrrl: Hoffmann (1951)
spacegrrl: Manocar (1953)
Vidalia: Mr. T - my favorite celeb!
woolloomooloo: still waiting...