spacegrrl: Rami Abraham and Justin Sternberg
spacegrrl: Live OpenStack demo - Michael McNeill
spacegrrl: Funniest slide of the day.
spacegrrl: Ben Meredith
spacegrrl: Preparing to speak
spacegrrl: My view
spacegrrl: Micah Wood
spacegrrl: Mike Schinkel
spacegrrl: bricks - NCSU of course
spacegrrl: lunch
spacegrrl: Ryan Duff
spacegrrl: IMG_0979
spacegrrl: IMG_3177
spacegrrl: Adventure1987_0003
spacegrrl: Adventure1987_0002
spacegrrl: Adventure1987_0001
spacegrrl: Adventure1987
spacegrrl: IMG_2364
spacegrrl: IMG_2363
spacegrrl: IMG_2362
spacegrrl: IMG_2361
spacegrrl: IMG_2360
spacegrrl: IMG_2354
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