photography by Derek G: by firelight, by starlight
& mina: Twin Peaks
Dru!: Needle NE Ridge
Mono Andes: Campamento en el Volcán Callaqui
Burlingamebarley: SAN PEDRO ROCK
JakeSchadewe: King's Landing
photography by Derek G: Day 39 of 40; Last Pass
The VIKINGS are Coming!: Plows Have Been Working
Tarun Kotz: Spirit
jordimasramon: Eternal flake!
ahenav: Ascenso por los pulmones de Cabezas de Hierro. Sierra de Guadarrama, verano 2017
davidyuweb: Morning Fog - Grizzly Peak Berkeley Hills
photography by Derek G: Day 30 of 40: sunrise
Michael's Idea: Cucamonga Peak
JoeGarity: Fogbank beginning to cover the Golden Gate Bridge
Reto von Gunten: Matterhorn
Rex Mandel: Pittsburgh's Pub, Outer Sunset - San Francisco, CA
ashokboghani: Matterhorn
jumpingspider: IMG_5117
JoeGarity: The light fades on the last day of 2016
captured by bond: Till next year_SMB8556
Rodolfo Frino: IMG_4020 Touching the clouds (mono, mystic green)
andbog: Ridges [Explore 20-11-2016 !]
JoeGarity: Light from the stained glass on the floor of Grace Cathedral