leonardo sgd: Still learning.
kewguys: Trump Soho
wallyg: San Francisco - Tenderloin: Eastern Outfitting Co. Building
techgolem: IMG_7731
techgolem: IMG_7732
techgolem: Me be bad, seriously??
techgolem: Madonna and Child
techgolem: Good one!
techgolem: You can't see me
techgolem: I'll take a Corned Beef Sandwich on Rye with Mustard
techgolem: Wow, trains.
techgolem: Hi, I'm Jake, maybe a little out of focus but still Jake
techgolem: What would you like me to fix for you now?
techgolem: Jake with B & O Train Hat
etgeek (Eric): JP Liquors
etgeek (Eric): The Echo
techgolem: me 1978
mphoenix: Kaley Corgi's Special Doggie Food Costume
mphoenix: Kaley Corgi's Special Doggie Food Costume
mphoenix: Jake
techgolem: Jake Contempt
techgolem: Sansan
techgolem: Jake in Santa Rosa
techgolem: San and Kaley
techgolem: Santa Rosa Agility Weekend
techgolem: Santa Rosa Agility Weekend