sansanparrots: It’s holiday with Daisy cat. A ragdoll
sansanparrots: TJ. Aka teen Jacob !!! It’s lovely here and always fresh and inviting and friendly
sansanparrots: kJ. Kidjacob and catcat
sansanparrots: One very relaxed cat. Catcat. New cat. Found fri 13. No one claimed so he’s been here fir few days.
sansanparrots: New cat. Catcat. Takes over the pups bed.
sansanparrots: The child writes.
sansanparrots: Mud bracelets. Bought Kj one n myself one.
sansanparrots: The vintage matchbox n hot wheels. The Kj finally gets them all. What fun
sansanparrots: The Kj misses mom so much
sansanparrots: Collection of matchbox n hot wheel cars.
sansanparrots: one summer day, spirite away june 2017
sansanparrots: sunny the walking sun
sansanparrots: Jww. Open. Decided to move up. AKC. #happychow88 #wallecorgipup88 #wallecorgi88 #dogagility
sansanparrots: Dinner. Hungry. Yum. Agility Friday. AKC. Open jumpers n novice standard. Will see how we do in open. We run at 10 n 11. Then done. One ring. Nice. Trial is only 20 min way. How easy is this ? #happychow88 Chiropractor visit today. Healing b
sansanparrots: Dinner on my fave plate. #happychow88 #dinner
sansanparrots: Relaxing puppy. We shall practice weaves today n sends. Maybe to bring out the tunnel. #wallecorgi88 #wallecorgipup88 #happychow88 #corgination
sansanparrots: What a weekend. Friday and Sunday agility. Q n title in usdaa starters jumpers n snooker. Still no teeter ! Practice run he did when I held him. Then he ran out if ring to his chair by crate !!!!!! Lol #dogagility #dogagility #wallecorgipup88 #happychow
sansanparrots: So far this weekend. Three runs left. Standard snooker jumpers. So far Q in jumper n snooker w new jumper title Need snooker Q today to title. #happychow88 #dogagility #wallecorgipup88 #wallecorgi88
sansanparrots: We are at dog agility Mother's Day day today. Jacob drew a picture for all the mothers who run dog agility with their pop kids. All his pictures are incorporating airplanes. He is obsessed with airplanes.#dogagility #kidjacob88 #happychow88
sansanparrots: W Amy who mentors him at dog agility to be discipline and respectful. #austin #dogagility #kidjacob88 #happychow88
sansanparrots: At the dome. Dog agility today.#austin #dogagility
sansanparrots: Watching the sunrise. It is 641. After agility. Beautiful day. Took my two Advil's. First dog on the line. We have a chance to Q and title in snooker. Usdaa dog agility. #happychow88 #dogagility #kidjacob88 #austin #sunrise
sansanparrots: Up early. Left the house at 6:30. 15 minutes late. First dog on the line is on in the morning and it's me. Dog agility Sunday. #dogagility #happychow88 #austin
sansanparrots: The child loves to take receipt so we ate out this afternoon and this is the amount of receipts since start of the day. #happychow88 #kidjacob88
sansanparrots: Lemongrass tofu #happychow88 #lunch
sansanparrots: Imperial rolls. Eating out. Today. Agility tomorrow. #happychow88 #lunch
sansanparrots: Hungry for dinner. Agility Friday. Whew. Wall-e avoided teeter. Ran wild in first two runs. Gamblers n standard bc teeter was first obstacle. However he Q in snookers. And Q and titled in jumpers. Snooker is my fave agility game and I made
sansanparrots: Kj the bar setter #dogagility #happychow88 #kidjacob88
sansanparrots: 2nd snooker Q. Last obstacle is teeter 7 pts. No way he was going to do the Teeter so I planned so he did the high point obstacles between the red jumps. You did a five and a four point obstacles. He only needed 37 to qualify he got his 37 points. One mor
sansanparrots: Running pup at agility #happychow88 #kidjacob88 #dogagility