dozydotes: Autumn arrangement
Carla Fávaro: Guirlanda feita por aluna
Rosana Aoyama -Ro Art & Patch: detalhes guirlanda
ThEm DoLLz: Dandy "Rose" is now on view at Curly Tale Fine Art Gallery in Chicago. She is available for purchase. Email Anita, the gallery owner, for info at #artdoll #designertoys #handmadetoy #dandydolls #lowbrowtoy #friendswithBlythe #c
toureasy47201: WaldorfStep1
ThEm DoLLz: Dandy "Simone" available now! Message me at or on Facebook for details. Worldwide shipping available. #artdoll #artdolls #artistdolls #artistbears #handmadetoy #friendswithBlythe #designertoys #JenMusatto
ThEm DoLLz: WIP for "Common Threads" a group fiber arts show curated by the talented @lanacrooks and @foegallery at FOE Gallery. Opening reception November 14th. More info coming soon.
ThEm DoLLz: Dandy "Sophia." Available. Dress made using vintage kitchen apron. Lavender Mongolian faux fur hair. #artdoll #artdolls #artistbears #artistdolls #friendswithBlythe #12inchdoll
revoluzzza: I'm in love with this little mermaid! Ihr könnt sie in meinem Shop vorbestellen! #mermaid #kit #nähset #nähenisttoll #nähdichglücklich #meerjungfrau #meer #letsswim #fabricprint #fabricpattern #fabricprintdoll
Kitty Vane: Matilda's dress
s.o.t.a.k handmade: nine patch placemats
Charise *: I am So excited to share the project I designed for Mollie Makes Patchwork and Quilting. I am giving away a copy of the book on my blog. Link in profile. : ) @pavilionlifestyle @molliemakes #MollieMakesPatchwork&Quilting #giveaway
Charise *: WIP Wednesday
Charise *: Coffee Koozie
Bi e Pe: Aqui só entra amizade e amor!!! Chapeuzinho Vermelho com seu amigo lobo bonzinho.
Swede-Heart: Cotton and Steel Carnival Bag
Retro_Mama: patchwork potholder
barbelote: Árvore Completa
barbelote: Porta-Trecos
barbelote: Porta-trecos
fefe garcia rj: ALMOFADAS FUTON
Isabela Fagundes: Algumas de nossas almofadas e futons.
anuska.nardelli: Almofadas para cadeira
DoNa BoRbOlEtA. pAtCh: ALmOfAdAs FuToN
barbelote: Oriental Todas
DoNa BoRbOlEtA. pAtCh: AlMoFaDa FuToN
barbelote: Chita Flor Azul