dozydotes: Latest stitching.
dozydotes: Floral
dozydotes: Pinkness.
dozydotes: Bunty waiting for her clothes.
dozydotes: Peter visits the gallery.
dozydotes: Tonight`s flare at Mossmorran Ethylene Plant, Fife.
dozydotes: Someone`s watching you.
dozydotes: We have to stay in; there`s a Baaaad virus out there.
dozydotes: Keeping hands active.
dozydotes: Passing time, using wool left-overs.
dozydotes: Home-made birds and dogs I still have, Feb.2020
dozydotes: 12 mice and a bear.
dozydotes: Cats I still have, Feb. 2020
dozydotes: Home-made knit bears I still have Feb 2020.
dozydotes: Home-made fabric bears I still have. Feb. 2020.
dozydotes: Jim (blue) and Edmond.
dozydotes: Three aardvarks in woolly jumpers.
dozydotes: Amazing cloud formations tonight.
dozydotes: Tonight`s wonderful clouds.
dozydotes: Finished today.
dozydotes: Cockburn Street, Edinburgh.
dozydotes: Another flower embroidery
dozydotes: Some of the bears I made. Sorry about the photo quality.
dozydotes: Freedom march
dozydotes: Anne and Michael
dozydotes: Ooh! and Aah!
dozydotes: azalea
dozydotes: Simple stitched and painted face
dozydotes: Spud Faces! Do they mind being boiled?
dozydotes: Roses!