Amy Hudechek Photography: Great Horned Owl
Víctor Ortega Horcajo: Red Deer at dusk
Víctor Ortega Horcajo: Flamingo Backlit
Víctor Ortega Horcajo: Alectoris rufa
foto-german: Day 316: Profile girl
Dany. Leon: Medusas
Matthieu Berroneau: Podocnemis expansa
Alfred J. Lockwood Photography: A Touch of Autumn_MG_8751
oskar.sigurmundason: Lómur - Red-throated Diver - Gavia stellata
Dany. Leon: Cangrejeando un poco
foto-german: Day 186: Portrait through window
bmse: Least Tern Courting/Mating Series 6/10
ken.helal: Turn a little further, Dad
foto-german: Day 170
Zhoyh: Commerson's Dolphin
foto-german: Day 155: Cloister
Bjarni in Iceland: Barrow's goldeneye (Húsönd) Bucephala islandica
Alfred J. Lockwood Photography: Mountains in the Sky
foto-german: Day 152