NaturePhocus: Keeping an eye out for the young one.
NaturePhocus: Cherry Chomper
NaturePhocus: Side View
NaturePhocus: Front view
NaturePhocus: Like water off a ducks back.
NaturePhocus: Wait, What?
NaturePhocus: Calling out or choking on something
NaturePhocus: Coming out
NaturePhocus: Sit and stare
NaturePhocus: Bug eatin' goodness
NaturePhocus: Close screech
NaturePhocus: Beside a hole
NaturePhocus: Nearby Cooper's Hawk
NaturePhocus: On an angle
NaturePhocus: Marsh Hawk over a farmer's field
NaturePhocus: hover hunt
NaturePhocus: out behind the barn
NaturePhocus: Ghost like
NaturePhocus: Eyes on Target
NaturePhocus: Long spread of a Short Eared
NaturePhocus: On the up swing
NaturePhocus: Quick on the take off
NaturePhocus: Bend in Frozen Oxtongue
NaturePhocus: Looking a little Grey
NaturePhocus: Back in Black and White
NaturePhocus: hawkowl
NaturePhocus: Landing
NaturePhocus: Over the light post
NaturePhocus: Out of the fog
NaturePhocus: On the wing