Ulysses Odyssey:
In the arms of Morpheus
Ulysses Odyssey:
And the last shall be first
Itoshima Futamigaura(糸島二見ヶ浦) Fukuoka, Japan
Martin Bärtges:
Little bee on a little blossom
Martin Bärtges:
The shimmering fly on the flower
Martin Bärtges:
The broken glass bottle - My entry for todays "Crazy Tuesday" theme "Missing Broken Piece(s)"
Martin Bärtges:
Enjoying the sweet nectar of the blossom
Martin Bärtges:
Shades of warm colors
Photo Alan:
Photo Alan:
Night of Philadelphia
Photo Alan:
the cardinal hotel - film hasselblad
Frieda Spirit:
The Walking Men
Damien Douxchamps:
Koi carp in leaf covered pond, Kyoto, Japan
Damien Douxchamps:
The last persimmon, Ryoan-ji temple, Kyoto, Japan
Damien Douxchamps:
Cute stone turtle having a stroll on zen garden, Meigetsu-in temple, Kanagawa, Japan
Damien Douxchamps:
Autumn colours surrounding the lower entrance gate of Amida-ji temple in the Ohara valley of Kyoto, Japan
caspian tern
life is a beach
great american bullfrog Explore! August 24, 2024
CK NG (choookia):
Wavy Road In The Autumn Forest II Auronzo Di Cadore - Italy
CK NG (choookia):
Golden Twin Tower II Chongqing - China
CK NG (choookia):
Waiting For Boarding II Amboseli National Park - Kenya