dirvish: DSC_0971
dirvish: Staring contest with the cat.
dirvish: What are we going to do today Olivia?
brytness: IMAG0206
jfhatesmustard: IMG_0101 1
theorem: Emirates a380 Landing at SFO
Schill: Case Study: Cilantro is more interesting than Basil..
yzobella: Fourth of July over Lake Union
willa: seen at socha cafe in bernal
dirvish: Bad ear day
brytness: IMG_2764.JPG
brytness: IMG_2771.JPG
agnoster: I R serious Ryo. This R serious code review.
urbanbicyclist: IMG_6677.JPG
ernie: ha ha not amused ha ha
*mosh*: happy hour
GreyGooseMartini: Getting along