Lisa Percival: The Lotus is blooming again. It makes really tall flower stalks and it's hard to get a good photo of the flower.
Lisa Percival: The Lotus is blooming. It's very tall and in the middle of the pond. It's been very hot and we had unsafe to breathe air so I took this from inside the house.
Lisa Percival: Last year's Halloween pumpkin is showing some signs of mold on the bottom so I took it outside. It's been happy sitting at the bottom of the stairs until today. It's 100 degrees today so it probably won't last long.
Lisa Percival: Bob isn't feeling good. He had more dental surgery Tuesday. The only teeth he has left are his 4 canines. He's been sneezing blood for a while so they did a biopsy to see what's going on. He has Stomatitis and he's FIV+ but he's pretty tough. He spent the
Lisa Percival: The gigantic spineless cactus is blooming
Lisa Percival: This was the one plant that we didn't have to move when we built the greenhouse. It lives right outside of the front edge. It doesn't grow very big but it comes back every year.
Lisa Percival: Columbine flower blooms in the back flowerbed.
Lisa Percival: The Blaze rose bush has been blooming out back. I finally got a photo. The flowers are fading.
Lisa Percival: The ball moss is bad this year.
Lisa Percival: This was a little bit before totality. It was hard to tell because we have so many clouds but it got really dark for a few minutes.
Lisa Percival: We did Misty's summer shave a couple of weeks ago and I may need to trim a hair more off the front.
Lisa Percival: The greenhouse plants are enjoying the weather. We moved a few out. Don't tell anyone but I carried one. I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy.
Lisa Percival: I was working outside today and I think I stepped on the edge of this. I don't know what it is but I assume it's either some kind of mushroom or an alien life form. I left it alone.
Lisa Percival: A neighbor got me these flowers before my surgery in December. They flowered all winter. I haven't been very active on social media but I'm trying.
Lisa Percival: The Brugmansia is still flowering. It was in the 70's last week but after the rain it cooled down. Still no frost yet.
Lisa Percival: Really pretty sunset tonight.
Lisa Percival: Yams with marshmallows cooked in an air fryer. The one thing we did cook this Thanksgiving. Turned out really well. The crispy marshmallows were great.
Lisa Percival: The fox showed up for dinner at the front door. There are two or three in the neighborhood maybe more. I'm not sure what they all eat but we try and keep food out for them. They usually eat on the side of the house but this one decided to come to the fron
Lisa Percival: I think I'll just leave this guy as part of our Xmas decorations too.
Lisa Percival: You can see the eclipse on the water lily leaves. #eclipse2023
Lisa Percival: The hardy water lily that was nearly destroyed early on in the summer by bugs has returned full force. It's pretty much on its own down there in the deep end. We haven't repotted or fertilized it in many years.
Lisa Percival: The hardy water lily that was nearly destroyed early on in the summer by bugs has returned full force. It's pretty much on its own down there in the deep end. We haven't repotted or fertilized it in many years.
Lisa Percival: The backyard is kind of wild right now because it's been too hot to do anything out there. The Lotus needs some pruning and the heat has burned some of the plants near the filter. Everything gets watered every day but weeks of 100's take a toll.
Lisa Percival: One of the hibiscus is blooming. I had to move them into the shade a little because 100 degree heat for weeks on end was burning their leaves.
Lisa Percival: The toad tadpoles are emerging from the pond into the 100 degree heat here. Fortunately, the pond is surrounded by plants and shade and is watered regularly so they have a good chance as long as they don't encounter the birds or the lizards or the cats or
Lisa Percival: Bob again. He was doing so well after his dental surgery and his new medication but then he needed another steroid shot and it caused his ringworm, which was gone, to flare again big time. So he's missing hair on his ears and his eyebrows fell out and a h
Lisa Percival: It's been really hot but I noticed this daylily blooming out front. It's trying its best.
Lisa Percival: We have a regular fox visitor.
Lisa Percival: The Lotus was in full bloom yesterday but I forgot to take a photo. It has a new bud so this weekend it should open. It's been really hot here so I don't spend a lot of time outside.
Lisa Percival: It's raining again. We had a storm in the night with a lot of rain and 2 inches in one storm last week. We need the rain but the mosquitoes and bugs are exploding and the last couple of winters killed off a lot of our tropical lizards and the bullfrogs h