Dominic Cantin:
tete sorciere reprise
michel paquin2011:
Chouette rayée/Barred Owl -_PM22631
Marie-Claude Paquette:
Harfang des neiges
Marie-Claude Paquette:
Harfang des neiges
Charlaine Jean:
Boreal Chickadee Mésange à tête brune
Turk Images:
Eurasian Wigeon
RGL Photography:
Northern Goshawk - Accipiter gentilis | 2019 - 2
Marie-Claude Paquette:
Marie-Claude Paquette:
Harfang des neiges
Marie-Claude Paquette:
Harfang des neiges
michel paquin2011:
Grand duc/Great Owl -_PM22756
michel paquin2011:
Grand duc/Great Owl -_PM22745
Barred Owl / Chouette rayée / Strix varia
Maxime Légaré-Vézina:
Northern saw-whet owl - Petite nyctale - Aegolius acadicus
Just wrapped up my last workshop of 2018 - whew! Lots of amazing teaching opportunities this year. This was last night's obligatory group shot, marking the end of the "Banff At Night" astrophotography event. Many thanks to all the wonderful fellow photogr
Melanie Leeson:
Wing Drying
Eric Gofreed:
Horned Grebe
Maxime Légaré-Vézina:
Prédateur en chasse
Turk Images:
Snowy Owl
RGL Photography:
Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus | 2018 - 33
Harfang des neiges
Céline Bellemare:
Céline Bellemare:
Céline Bellemare:
Maxime Légaré-Vézina:
Northern Saw-whet Owl - Petite nyctale - Aegolius acadicus
Grand-duc d'Amérique