NicLeister: A Light in the Dark
Bob Edje: Uphill
Jerry Ting: cuddling siblings
DirtyJigsaw: Reinforced
urs_witschi: Zolli ZOO Basel, faulenzen am Sonntagmorgen "EXPLORE"
BEN13008: Notre dame de la garde
Lynne Karen: New Zealand Tui (Explore)
Guy Decreuse 25: Cascade du Moulin de la Roche, vers Fertans
pstani: Linnet (Linaria or Carduelis cannabina)
davy ren2: King
LostMyHeadache: Absolutely Free *: A Rainbow of Fireworks Over Lake Eliston
Ed Yourdon: Street corners can be pretty complicated places
wendy74ca: Disgruntled
mswan777: Afternoon on the Beach
Andreas Voigt Creative Art: Black-headed Gull
Paul_Mcgregor: Sun on Green Barley
texasfires: Little Blue Heron in Flight
dale 1: wet tiger cub
- Man from the North -: August night (explored)
Latent0Image: The Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
Anna Pérez Corominas: Les Falaises d'Étretat
wim_e1: Icarusblauwtje
In Memoriam: me'nthedogs: Guests For Lunch
neilalderney123: Waterloo Walkways - London
Adam Hill Photo: Paddling with a common loon
ShelSerkin: Waterton