Hausstaubmilbe: nice to meet you ....
greyloch: Blue IR field
Hausstaubmilbe: hello ..... some like it hot, I don't like it .......
haegar52002: Kopenhagen - Dänemark
Hausstaubmilbe: sunshine für Dieter ............
haegar52002: Kopenhagen - Dänemark
Hausstaubmilbe: Here I am ........
haegar52002: Kopenhagen - Dänemark
greyloch: Great Spangled Fritillary on butterfly weed
dolors ayxendri: 😍😍😍 @mar_i_ona_
Anita MW: Les Fleurs Séchées
Alicja Zmysłowska: Happy in Winter!
adric1010: patagonia chilena
Alicja Zmysłowska: Night Watch
Russ Beinder: Woe is me
Claudio Marcon: Natureza viva
haegar52002: Hiking - Burgweinting
aleshurik: listen to the Ice song
aleshurik: Baikal
G.hostbuster (Gigi): "bridge reflections" - Avignone
dolors ayxendri: casetes ...
dolors ayxendri: obsessions ...
haegar52002: Hiking - Kallmünz
Kris_Kelvin: Scriptorium Mokotovum
aleshurik: в деревне на берегу Байкала
Alicja Zmysłowska: Kiara the Queen
dolors ayxendri: records ...
Kris_Kelvin: You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars.