Bits On Twigs: Germander Speedwell, Veronica chamaedrys
Christian Sanchez Photography: Talamanca hummingbird
dog ma: Mazy turns 1
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: The end of the day.
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Northern Flickr / Pic Flamboyant / Colaptes auratus
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Frostbite kind of day...
Birdman of Beaverton: Northern Flicker
Ray Chiarello: Lightning Strike
Ray Chiarello: Mesa Arch at Sunrise [Explore]
Don's PhotoStream: A Father Doesn’t Tell You that He Loves You. He Shows You
Suzy Unyink: feel good ..
scott1346: autumn maple
scott1346: lots of yellow in the sun
scott1346: beautiful red leaves
Dave Arnold Photo: Layer cake
Mudhen2: YELLOW WARBLER - 9-7-21 - 2563
peterspencer49: Kingfisher (f)
A. Walden: Winter -- 3 PM
juances: pasareladecolor2
juances: pasareladecolor
juances: pasarelaalcolor4
PelicanPete: Bazaar Destiny
Sandra Slead: Under cover
montsefernandez: Capvespre
BingleymanPhotos: By Ben Alligin....which is a mountain, not a photographer!!