Birdman of Beaverton: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Birdman of Beaverton: Bewick's Wren
Birdman of Beaverton: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Birdman of Beaverton: Yellow-rumped Warbler_female
Birdman of Beaverton: Ruby crowned Kinglet 2
Birdman of Beaverton: Ruby crowned Kinglet
Birdman of Beaverton: House Finch
Birdman of Beaverton: House Finch
Birdman of Beaverton: American Goldfinch 3
Birdman of Beaverton: American Goldfinch 2
Birdman of Beaverton: Black-headed Grosbeak_female2
Birdman of Beaverton: House Finch
Birdman of Beaverton: Black-headed Grosbeak_female
Birdman of Beaverton: House Finch chick
Birdman of Beaverton: House Finch chick
Birdman of Beaverton: Black-headed Grosbeak
Birdman of Beaverton: Golden-crowned sparrow
Birdman of Beaverton: Black-headed Grosbeak
Birdman of Beaverton: Black-headed Grosbeak
Birdman of Beaverton: Black-headed Grosbeak
Birdman of Beaverton: Golden-crowned sparrow
Birdman of Beaverton: American Goldfinch
Birdman of Beaverton: Song Sparrow
Birdman of Beaverton: Pied-billed Grebe
Birdman of Beaverton: Lesser Goldfinch_male
Birdman of Beaverton: Lesser Goldfinch
Birdman of Beaverton: Yellow_rumped Warbler